Contact study team
Who should you ask?
Student guidance
Contact your student counsellor if you need guidance on the content and workload of the study, admission, study environment or know more about what it is like to study at Aalborg University.
Study secretary
Contact the study secretary if you have questions about registration for the exam, planning of the teaching, etc.
Study Board
Contact the study board if you have questions regarding the composition of your education, admission, study changes, examination rules, credit, exemptions, etc.
Head of studies
The head of studies is in charge of the daily management of the study programmes and is supported by the study board in the work with, among other things, quality assurance and development of the study programmes.
Student guidance
Study Board
Study secretaries in Aalborg
Byggeri og Anlæg
1.-2. semester | Lise Støvelbæk Hansen |
3.-4. semester | Rikke Christensen |
5.-6. semester | Rikke Christensen - (Indoor Environmental and Energy Engineering, Water and Environmental Enginerring |
5.-6. semester | Tina Holst Nielsen - Structural and civil Engineering, Veje og Trafik |
Diplomingeniør i Byggeri og Anlæg
1.-2. semester | Louise Mikkelsen |
3.-4. semester | Rikke Christensen |
5.-7. semester | Rikke Christensen - (Indoor Environmental and Energy Engineering, Water and Environmental Enginerring |
5.-7. semester | Tina Holst Nielsen - Structural and civil Engineering, Veje og Trafik |
1.-6. semester | Louise Mikkelsen |
1.-4. semester | Tina Holst Nielsen |
Indoor Environmental and Energy Engineering
1.-4. semester | Rikke Christensen |
Structural and Civil Engineering
1.-4. semester | Tina Holst Nielsen |
Veje og trafik
1.-4. semester | Tina Holst Nielsen |
Water and Environmental Engineering
1.-4. semester | Lise Støvelbæk Hansen |
1.-4. semester | Lise Støvelbæk Hansen |
Building Energy Design (cand. tech)
1.-4. semester | Rikke Christensen |
Byggeledelse og Bygningsinformatik (cand. tech)
1.-4. semester | Tina Holst Nielsen |
See contact info for your study secretary
Study secretaries in Copenhagen
Bachelor and Master
Cph and Esbjerg
Bæredygtige Byggeprocesser | Lene W. Jørgensen |
Ledelse og Informatik (cand. tech) | Lene W. Jørgensen |
Bygningsfysisk (Efter- og videreuddannelse) | Lene W. Jørgensen |
See contact info for your study secretary