Building Material Characterization Laboratory
Our laboratory is dedicated to investigating hygrothernal properties of building materials.

If you are interested in cooperation, research and experiments in our lab, please contact Rasmus Lund Jensen, rlje@build.aau.dk. or Hicham Johra, hj@build.aau.dk.
Building materials
Building materials have many different forms and functions, ranging from classic to conventional to new and sustainable. Understanding the physics behind materials is key to determining building performance in terms of energy consumption, indoor climate and material durability, and for improving Heat Air Moisture (HAM) modelling.
1,080,000 DKK
in consultancy projects for private companies
collaborative partners
publications linked to the lab
research projects linked to the lab
We have a wide range of state-of-the-art equipment that enables us to produce novel research on building materials from small- to full-scale, to reveal dynamics and to develop a deeper understanding of the connection between different properties.
For detailed experimental analysis capabilities of our equipment, please read more in this document.