Computer simulated person
Thermal comfort

Computer simulated person
Thermal comfort

Computer simulated person: Thermal comfort
Computer simulated persons in CFD environment have been developed during a number of years for the simulation air quality problems. It is foreseen that a new development of computer simulated persons will focus on thermal comfort problems. This benchmark test will therefore work with the heat loss from manikins with the aim to predict how humans will react to different climatic situations.
The thermal comfort benchmark test (manikin heat loss benchmark test) is based on thermal manikin measurements. It can be used as calibration of a virtual manikin positioned in a CFD simulated environment. The results are presented not only as whole body influence, but also with local information on how the climate varies over the human body.
The benchmark test
- Benchmark Tests for Computer Simulated Persons
- Benchmark Tests for Computer Simulated Persons - Manikin heat loss for thermal comfort evaluation
- Smoke head (.mov file)
- Smoke outlet (.mov file)
- Smoke side (.mov file)