Workshops in the network
in the network
Exchanging ideas and collaborating around the emerging research field of architectural anthropology.
Workshop 1: Housing, Homes and Built Environments
10 October 2018
Copenhagen, Denmark
Copenhagen, Denmark
Workshop 2: "Architectural anthropology of urban space and everyday life"
8-9 May 2019
Gothenburg, Sweden
Gothenburg, Sweden
Workshop 3: "Architectural anthropology – Processes of creativity, participation and design"
16 September 2019
Oslo, Norway
Oslo, Norway
Workshop 1: "Housing, Homes and Built Environments"
10 October 2018
10 October
- 09.30 Registration and coffee
- 10.00 Welcome and introduction to the network
- Claus Bech-Danielsen, Professor & Marie Stender, Researcher, Danish Building Research Institute, Aalborg University
- 10.30 KEYNOTE: Above, below and in-between: of surfaces, grounds and the interstitiality of things
- Tim Ingold, Emeritus Professor of Social
Anthropology, University of Aberdeen
- Tim Ingold, Emeritus Professor of Social
- 11.30 Anthropology and Architecture: Motives and Ethics in Creating Knowledge
- Anne Sigfrid Grønseth, Anthropologist,
Professor, Inland Norway University - Eli Støa, Professor Architecture & Planning, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
- Anne Sigfrid Grønseth, Anthropologist,
- 12.00 Lunch
- 13.00 Materiality and the Design of Borders
- Shahram Khosravi, Professor Social
Anthropology, Stockholm University
- Shahram Khosravi, Professor Social
- 13.30 Living and Building with Light
- Mikkel Bille, Social Anthropologist,
Associate Professor, Roskilde University
- Mikkel Bille, Social Anthropologist,
- 14.00 KEYNOTE: Re-housing Alvaro Siza:
Architectural Archiving and the Quest for
Legacy- Albena Yaneva, Professor of Architectural Theory, University of Manchester
- 15.00 Coffee break
- 15.30 Architectural anthropology from an architect’s point of view
- Laura Helene Højring, Architect, PHD fellow, Danish Building Research Institute
- 16.00 How youth participation in urban
development projects shakes up
anthropology and architecture: Stories from
Oslo- Aina Landsverk Hagen, Senior Researcher, Social Anthropologist, the Work Research Institute (AFI), Oslo Metropolitan University
- 16.30 How people use their apartments – a better knowledge basis for improved residential designs
- Ola Nylander, Professor, Chalmers ACE,
- Ola Nylander, Professor, Chalmers ACE,
- 17.00 Round-off and good-bye
- How youth participation shakes up anthropology and architecture, Aina Landsverk Hagen
- Re-Housing Alvaro Siza, Albena Yaneva
Anthropology and Architecture: Motives and Ethics in Creating Knowledge, Eli Stoa & Sigfrid Gronseth - Architectural anthropologi, Laura Højring
- Anthropology workshop 1: Housing, homes & built environments, Marie Stender
- Living and building with light, Mikkel Bille
- How people use their apartments, Ola Nylander
- Understanding the sustainability of apartments over time, Paula Femenias
- Social Anthropological Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Sten Gromark
Workshop 2: "Architectural anthropology of urban space and everyday life"
8-9 May 2019
8 May 2019
- 09.30 Coffee is served
- 10.00 Welcome and re-introduction to the network WS#2 in Göteborg, Chalmers ACE, Building Design
- Claus Bech-Danielsen, Professor
- Marie Stender, Researcher, Danish Building Research Institute
- Sten Gromark, Professor Chalmers ACE
- Jennifer Mack, Associate professor, KTH Architecture
- 10.30 The Construction of Equality
- Jennifer Mack, Associate professor, KTH School of Architecture Stockholm
- 11.00 KEYNOTE Materiality and the Design of Borders
- Shahram Khosravi, Professor of Social Anthropology, SU, SE
- 12.00 Lunch in connection to Scaniasalen
- 13.00 Stakeholder Evidence: Validating Every-day life Experiences in Urban Development
- Joakim Forsemalm, PhD, Ethnologist, Radar Architects, Göteborg, SE
- 13.30 Cité d’Artistes, Paris – the Project ’88-’92 and the Refurbishment ’17
- Nathalie Régnier-Kagan, Architecte DPLG, Kagan Architectures, Paris
- 14.15 KEYNOTE Architects’ Ambitions and Artists’ Creativity
- Katrin Paadam, Professor of Sociology, TalTech, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia;
- 15.15 Coffee break
- 15.30 What Makes a City Space a Public Place
- Mark Vacher, Associate Professor, SAXO-Institute, University of Copenhagen, DK
- 16.00 Living labs in zero emission neighbourhoods: From an understanding of place to energy efficiency
- Ruth Woods, NTNU, NO
- 16.30 Kitchen practices and sustainable living: Living Lab and prototyping as part of a methodology to understand lived experiences
- Paula Femenias, Associate Professor, Chalmers ACE, SIRen, CBA & AIDAH, SE
- 17.00 Round-off and good-bye for the day
- 18.00 Dinner; team & invited lecturers
9 May 2019
- 09.00 Internal team discussion
- 09.45 Architectural Anthropology – instrument for social housing inventions?
- Eli Støa, NTNU, NO
- 10.00 Mapping urban spaces as creative practice: Ethnographic experimentation and co-creation with local youth
- Ingrid M. Tolstad & Aina Landsverk Hagen, Work Research Institute, Oslomet
- 10.30 Coffee break
- 10.45 Hidden structures: Where do the children play? Mapping soft data and urban injustice through interdisciplinary research
- Astri Margrethe Dalseide; architect MNAL, Partner Kåmmån, Oslomet
- 11.15 brf Viva & PFH : A Dialogue process
- Björn Andersson, associate professor, Social Work; Göteborgs universitet
- 11.45 brf Viva : Who moves in?
- Ulrika Holmberg; senior lecturer in marketing, School of Business; Centrum för konsumtionsvetenskap, CFK; Handelshögskolan vid Göteborgs universitet
- 12.15 Lunch in connection to Scaniasalen
- 13.00 Excursion to brf Viva, Chalmers Campus
- Presentation on site
- Visit to apartments by Riksbyggen EF and designing architects at Malmström Edström; Andreas Norrman
- 15.30 Coffee, round-up and goodbye
Workshop 3: "Architectural anthropology – Processes of creativity, participation and design"
16 September 2019
16 September
- 11.00 Lunch
- 12.00 Aina Landsverk Hagen (OsloMet) & Marie Stender (Aalborg University) introducing the Nordic Research Network for Architectural Anthropology
- 12.30 Keynote: Sandi Hilal (architect, artist & educator) Permanent Temporariness
- 13.30 Bengt Andersen (OsloMet) Destroyed by Fire and Resurrected by the King: The Birth of a Divided City
- 13.45 Anna Braide (Chalmers University of Technology) Adaptable apartments, family life course situations and the creative resident
- 14.00 Paper dialogue
- 14.10 Coffee break
- 14.25 Arild Eriksen (Fragment) Open building: a framework for participatory housing development
- 14.40 Silje Erøy Sollien (Vandkunsten Architects) Constructing community? The role of the architectural design project and controversies in innovative housing development processes: Three Danish case studies
- 14.55 Paper dialogue
- 15.10 Keynote: Anna Kirah (design anthropologist & psychologist) In search of the unknowns: How can we transcend disciplines to create new working models, new working tools to create a sustainable future
- 16.10 Coffee & snack break
- 16.30 Workshop: Creativity, participation and design
Poster presentations by Björn Andersson (University of Gothenburg), Elisa Lopez (Stockholm University) and Ingrid M. Tolstad (OsloMet) - 17.30 Round-off and goodbye
- 19.30 Drinks at Nodee sky bar, Dronning Eufemias gate 28
- 20.30 Dinner at Nodee Barcode (same adress)
- Sandi Hilal is an architect, artist and educator. She is currently developing an ongoing artistic research project centered around the concept of Hospitality manifested through the project Al-Madhafah: the hospitality room and the right to be a host. She is a founding member and Director of DAAR – Decolonizing Architecture Art and residency ( Hilal is among the founders of Campus in Camps, an experimental educational program established in Dheisheh Refugee Camp, Bethlehem ( She headed the infrastructure and Camp Improvement Program in the West Bank at United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) from 2008 to 2014 ( In 2006, she obtained the title of research doctorate in transborder policies for daily life in the University of Trieste.
- Anna Kirah is an internationally respected design anthropologist and psychologist known for pioneering the people-centric approach to innovation and change management. She has been employed by both Microsoft and Boeing and consults in many multinational enterprises, governments and NGOs. Her passions are co-creation and working with “transdisciplinarity”. Anna believes that creating meaningful, relevant, desirable and sustainable products, services and organizational change can happen only by understanding people’s motivations and aspirations and utilizing this knowledge to solve challenges. Anna returned to Norway in 2010 where she has her own consultancy and teaches at The Oslo Metropolitan University. She is also on the board of Design without Borders (both a non-profit foundation and a company in East Africa which employs architects, designers and anthropologists,